Being Human

Good ideas for managing the flow of craziness online after major news events. …

Is what I am about to say better than silence?

As the world seems to be falling apart, and social media introduces a new level of cacophony of misinformation, speculation, and downright venomous bile — we should ask ourselves, is what I am about to say better than silence? Am I adding anything to what’s already being said? And possibly most importantly, is my desire to say it keeping me from listening to what is already being said. Because waiting for your turn to talk is not the same as listening. …


Chrome and Safari extension: “Simpler, Readabler Twitter”. Yes, please. …

Week from hell

Woke up this morning to more Boston marathon insanity. One of the suspects is dead, and the entire city is on lockdown while they search door to door for the other. I am torn between wanting to go on with my life as usual, and feeling like that is a callus thing to do in a time like this. Torn between wanting to be on social media talking to my friends, and wanting to be as far away from it as possible to not fall into the trap of rumors and fear and lies. Not sure if it is better...…