Half done.

The good news is that the design is half finished. The bad news is that the design is half finished. I have to tear myself away from this machine and rejoin the living for a while. …

It lives…

Humboldt State University’s new site went live last night at 8:45 pm. …and the fit hits the shan I got my first comment at 9:10 pm, entitled “Horrible Website!!!!! “, which stated that “it looks like a ghetto junior college”. I have since received 5 more messages, all of them complaints from people within the institution, all with high-handed holier-than-thou language. One of them discusses a “serious navigation flaw”, and goes on to explain how I should add particular navigation path, which would be helpful if it didn’t already exist. It also suggests I look at current “web development standards”…...…

reinvented, redefined;

… rearranged but not refined (to paraphrase Phish) The design is coming soon. Some features to look forward to: The Interllectual Gallery, wherein you will find a tribute to the very American notion that spelling the name wrong will somehow inspire confidence in your productThe “I Don’t Have Time” Meter, wherein I track how many times I’ve heard someone at work tell me they “don’t have time” to do something, balanced by how many times I’ve said it myself. It is some kind of academic pissing contest to inflate your busy-ness factor. If you’re too busy to perform basic bodily...…

new digs

doingfine is now interllectual. I decided that the reason I haven’t been writing was twofold: movabletype was too clunky and frustrating, andI needed a site name I could really get behind. doingfine always seemed like a cheesy name to me, and the original premise, although important, just wasn’t inspiring. Interllectual is a much better name for these reasons: it exemplifies my cutting witit gives a nod to my job, which is managing the internet (OK really the web, but webllectual wasn’t as funny) for an intellectual institutionit makes fun of all the academic wonks and self-proclaimed intellectuals I work with...…

running to stand still

Now that I know someone’s reading this (I can tell by the comment spam— if you think I have enough influence to increase your Google rating you’re kidding yourself), I’d like to illustrate to you how my life moves in neat little circles. Just when I think I’ve gotten somewhere I’m not-so-subtly reminded of how I’m really just right back where I started from. …